System of Record Notices (SORNs)
DoD Component SORNs
A complete listing of Department of Defense Systems of Records Notices (SORNs) can be found at the SORNs Index page.

Please see the below table for the SORNs associated with the:
National Security Agency (NSA)
System ID System Name FR Citation

Hyperlink to FR Notice


Hyperlink to FR Implementation Rule

GNSA 02 NSA/CSS Applicants June 05, 2008
73 FR 31997
(k)(1), (k)(5)
GNSA 03 NSA/CSS Office of General Counsel Correspondence, Claims, Complaints, and Litigation Files January 10, 2014
79 FR 1841
(k)(1), (k)(2)
(k)(4), (k)(5)
GNSA 05 NSA/CSS Equal Employment Opportunity Data Statistical Data December 30, 2008
73 FR 79851
(k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(4)
GNSA 06 NSA/CSS Health, Medical and Safety Files March 15, 2012
77 FR 15360
(k)(1), (k)(4)
(k)(5), (k)(6)
GNSA 07 NSA/CSS Motor Vehicles and Carpools July 25, 2008
73 FR 43411
GNSA 08 NSA/CSS Payroll Processing File October 03, 2012
77 FR 60401
GNSA 09 NSA/CSS Personnel File December 30, 2011
76 FR 82283
(k)(1), (k)(4)
(k)(5), (k)(6)
GNSA 10 NSA/CSS Personnel Security File June 16, 2009
74 FR 28483
(k)(2), (k)(5), (k)(6)
GNSA 11 NSA/CSS Key Accountability Records June 28, 2010
75 FR 36642
GNSA 12 NSA/CSS Education, Training and Workforce Development March 23, 2009
74 FR 12116
(k)(1), (k)(5), (k)(6)
GNSA 14 NSA/CSS Library Patron File Control System July 30, 2013
78 FR 45913
(k)(1), (k)(4)
GNSA 15 NSA/CSS Computer Users Control System February 05, 2010
75 FR 6000
GNSA 16 NSA/CSS Drug Testing Program September 22, 2011
76 FR 58786
GNSA 17 NSA/CSS Employee Assistance Service Case Records November 14, 2011
76 FR 70427
(k)(1), (k)(2)
(k)(4), (k)(5)
GNSA 18 Operations Records October 21, 2015
80 FR 63749
(k)(1), (k)(2), (k)(5)
GNSA 19 NSA/CSS Child Development Services December 04, 2009
74 FR 63732
GNSA 20 NSA Police Operational Files May 14, 2010
75 FR 27318
(k)(2), (k)(4), (k)(5)
GNSA 21 NSA/CSS Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) and Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) Files May 07, 2010
75 FR 25215
GNSA 22 Garnishment Processing Files October 25, 2010
75 FR 65457
GNSA 24 NSA/CSS Pre-Publication Review Records September 15, 2010
75 FR 56079
GNSA 25 NSA/CSS Travel Records September 13, 2012
77 FR 56625
GNSA 26 NSA/CSS Accounts Receivable, Indebtedness and Claims August 19, 2009
74 FR 41872
(k)(2), (k)(4) 
GNSA 27 Information Assurance Scholarship Program October 05, 2011
76 FR 61679
GNSA 28 Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act and Mandatory Declassification Review Records January 19, 2011
76 FR 3098
(k)(1) - (k)(7)
GNSA 29 NSA/CSS Office of Inspector General Investigations and Complaints May 03, 2012
77 FR 26254
(k)(2), (k)(5)
GNSA 30 Congressional, Executive, and Political Inquiry Records September 13, 2012
77 FR 56628

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