The head of an agency, in this case the Department of Defense (DoD), may promulgate regulations to exempt applicable records from particular provisions of the Privacy Act, most notably those involving release of information to individuals that by its very nature would interfere with critical processes and/or expose the identity of a confidential source. The Defense Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency Division processes exemptions with the DoD Components System of Records Notice submissions. For more information on exemptions, please consult the Exemption Application Chart.

The current DoD Exemption Rules are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in Title 32 CFR Part 310: Protection of Privacy and Access to and Amendment of Individual Records Under the Privacy Act of 1974.

Please note, the e-CFR is a currently updated version of CFR, which contains an editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register and the Government Publishing Office. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. To view the most recent legal edition of the CFR, which may not contain rules recently published in the Federal Register, please visit the Government Publishing Office’s website.