
N01301-1 Judge Advocate General Reporting Questionnaire  (June 08, 1999,  64 FR 30497)
N01301-2 On-Line Distribution Information System (ODIS)  (June 24, 2013,  78 FR 37801)
N01306-1 Career Management System - Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID)  (October 03, 2013,  78 FR 61345)
N01420-1 Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Programs  (April 30, 2008,  73 FR23441)
N01520-1 Naval War College (NWC) Networking Collaborative  (January 31, 2012,  77 FR 4798)
N01531-1 USNA Applicants, Candidates, and Midshipmen Records  (February 27, 2007,  72 FR 8702)
N01533-1 Navy Junior ROTC (NJROTC) Applicant/Instructor System  (April 18, 2007,  72 FR 19475)
N01533-2 Navy JuniorReserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) Payment Reimbursement System  (July 20, 2009,  74 FR 35171)
N01571-1 Reserve Financial Management/Training System (RESFMS)  (February 22, 1993,  58 FR 10718)
N01710-1 Recreation Association Membership Files  (May 31, 2006,  71 FR 30895)
N01740-1 Family Dependent Care Program  (April 18, 2007,  74 FR 19476)
N01750-1 Family Ombudsman Registry  (January 14, 2008,  73 FR 2227)
N01752-1 Family Advocacy Program System  (April 28, 1999,  64 FR 22840) (k)(2) and (k)(5)
N01752-3 Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Case Management System  (January 29, 2007,  72 FR 3983)
N01754-1 Navy Family Support Clinical Counseling Records  (April 28, 1999,  64 FR 22840)
N01754-4 Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS  (January 22, 2015,  80 FR 3227)
N01770-1 Reserve Disability Appellate Records  (June 01, 1999,  64 FR 29291)
N01770-3 Naval Academy Cemetery and Columbarium Records  (April 14, 1999,  64 FR 18410)
N01850-1 Disabilities of Separated/Retired Military Members  (April 14, 1999,  64 FR 18410)
N03461-2 POW Follow-up Program  (June 16, 2003,  68 FR 35657)
N03501-2 Navy Recovery Data Base System  (May 09, 2003,  68 FR 24959)
N03760-2 Flight Instruction Standardization and Training (FIST) Jacket  (March 18, 1997,  62 FR 12806)
N03834-1 Special Intelligence Personnel Access File  (April 28, 1999,  64 FR 22840) (k)(1)
N04066-4 Navy Lodge Records  (April 30, 2008,  73 FR 23448)
N04066-6 NEXCOM HumanResources Group Personnel Records  (April 30, 2008,  73 FR 23442)