Ms. Joo Y. Chung

   Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency (ATSD(PCLT))

Mr. Mark D. Dupont


Principal Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency
   (PD ATSD(PCLT)) & Department of Defense 
Senior Intelligence Oversight Official (SIOO)

Ms. Joo Y. Chung Mr. Mark D. Dupont



Privacy and Civil Liberties Directorate (PCLD)

The Privacy and Civil Liberties Directorate (PCLD) provides guidance and direction to the DoD programs and personnel, to strengthen privacy and civil liberties protections while fostering a culture of respect for constitutional rights.

Intelligence Oversight Directorate (IOD)

Intelligence Oversight Directorate (IOD) executes Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency (ATSD(PCLT)) responsibilities to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense for the provision of independent oversight of all Department of Defense intelligence and intelligence-related activities.

 Regulatory Directorate (RD)

The Defense Regulatory Program optimizes regulatory compliance throughout the DoD.

Freedom of Information Act Directorate (FOIA)

The Freedom of Information Directorate provides FOIA policy and guidance through training, oversight, and official FOIA reporting to ensure compliance across DoD and promotes a more transparent and responsive Freedom of Information Act program that strengthens public confidence in DoD operations.

Data and Emerging Technologies (DET)

The Data and Emerging Technology Directorate advances the DoD mission through integrated and innovative solutions that address privacy and civil liberty risks posed by data and emerging technologies.

           Administrative Office

Administrative Office conducts all of the mission support functions that support all PCLT Directorates and PCLT Executives to include: taskings, correspondence, travel, property, budget/finance, contracts, manpower, personnel actions, time cards, PCard purchases, security, onboarding, offboarding, parking requests, facilities and space mgmt., emergency and continuity, and the other administrative actions that are common support tasks required to support PCLT.

Learn to Make a Privacy Act Request
Learn to Make a
Privacy Act Request

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  Learn How to Make a FOIA Request 
Learn How to Make a
FOIA Request 
    Federal Privacy Council
Federal Privacy