The Intelligence Oversight Directorate (IOD) provides independent oversight of all intelligence, counterintelligence, and intelligence-related matters conducted under DoD authorities and other related responsibilities as may be determined by the Secretary. The purpose of this independent oversight is to ensure all such activities are conducted in accordance with federal law, Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, Intelligence Community Directives, and DoD policy.
The IOD executes its mission under the direction and control of the ATSD(PCLT) through the supervision of the DoD Senior Intelligence Oversight Official (SIOO). It does so in partnership with the DoD Office of the General Counsel, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, the Office of the DoD Inspector General, and component-level Intelligence Oversight Officers, Inspectors General, and legal teams as appropriate.
Tracing its roots to a series of efforts to remedy actual and perceived abuses of intelligence capabilities and authorities, IOD’s mission is anchored in DoD implementation of Executive Order 12333, (United States Intelligence Activities) as implemented by DoD Manual 5240.01 (Procedures Governing the Conduct of DoD Intelligence Activities). In this capacity, IOD conducts those actions necessary to ensure that all DoD intelligence, counterintelligence, and intelligence-related activities are executed in a manner that fully protects the rights and civil liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and other Federal Laws. While the protection of Constitutional rights and civil liberties is IOD’s primary purpose, the scope of its oversight responsibilities is much broader, ensuring compliance with all federal laws, Presidential directives, and DoD policies.